
Free Android Game: LET’S GOLF from Gameloft

If you mobile game you’ll know GAMELOFT puts out some of the best games for Android and webOS.  (and probably iPhone, but we don’t talk about that here). Hurry over to their site via your android phone today and download it. Then look me up and we’ll play and I’ll kick your ass.


Cool looking iPad game, OSMOS HD

I can’t wait to play this one, seems very calming and atmospheric. 


Getting Creative with YouTube Gaming – Batman vs Joker

This is 1) a cool video/game and 2) a great way to engage your viewers on YouTube, while at the same time, driving up page hits and ad revenue, but in a way that isn’t cheesy or intrusive.

By simply making hotspots and certain video combo’s this talented short film producer, Patrick Boivin, has done what many agencies and corporations have failed to do with this “viral videos”…. entertain.