I just wish Old Spice was such a bad product because these commercials make me wanna go out and buy thier crap! Please don’t stop this campaign!
VOTD – Awesome concept for a phone Unboxing
Jealous I didn’t think of this. And of course, no phone co. will ever do this because it would be EXPENSIVE.
Cool looking iPad game, OSMOS HD
I can’t wait to play this one, seems very calming and atmospheric.
This is 1) a cool video/game and 2) a great way to engage your viewers on YouTube, while at the same time, driving up page hits and ad revenue, but in a way that isn’t cheesy or intrusive.
By simply making hotspots and certain video combo’s this talented short film producer, Patrick Boivin, has done what many agencies and corporations have failed to do with this “viral videos”…. entertain.
VOTD – Save the Gingers!
EVO 4G Live Wallpaper – Super Mario
Although I think this would kill the battery fast, it’s pretty dang cool.
VOTD – 3x Lighting Strike in Chicago
This thing is awesome. I love “The Social Media Guides” elevator pitch for this service:
How many of your friends at work, or on Facebook, or on Twitter have
asked you.. how do I do this?.. how do you do that?You know the answer and the steps involved, but it’s just too hard to
tell them over the phone or via email.Have you thought of creating a screencast (with audio narration) that
shows them the exact steps involved, to answer their
question?Now you can! With Screenr.
I don’t know about you guys but i’m always being asked how to do stuff by my in-laws, wife, and not so smart friends. This could come in handy fo sho.